Monday, August 25, 2008


I'm new to blogging and I got stumped with the second line! So I'm asking for your help. I need a one-liner under my name that describes the kind of fiction I write. Something like "Christian Fiction that Rings True," but without cliches, please! If you've read anything I've written, you're eligible. Please email your suggestions to I'll pick the winner on September 5 and that person will receive a $10 gift card to an as-yet-undecided-but-fabulous store or restaurant. I may even post the runners-up so that author friends can steal them. And I'll be sure to post the slightly-off-center entries I expect from my sons (pictured at right--makes a mother proud...).

1 comment:

melbytoast said...

My but you have gorgeous sons! (Who's that cutie on the right? *wink*)

OK...we've sent our contest entries! Now we wait with crossed fingers and baited breath.
