While riding on the bike trail this morning I came around a turn and before me was a bridge that crosses the Fox River. On the opposite side of the river, was a maple tree in full fall color. Neon orange and yellow and apple green. My first thought was "Wow, Lord, how beautiful!!" My second thought was, "But it's way too early! It's not even September yet. I'm not ready for fall!" As I crossed the bridge and rode past the blazingly beautiful tree, I thought of all the events in my life that have produced that same ridiculous response from me. The first that came to mind was the day I found out I was going to become a grandmother. (Warning...tears forming...this could get sappy.) My first thoughts: "A baby...how exciting! My firstborn is going to be a father!" My second thought: "Wait a minute. I'm only 42. I have a nine year old. I'm not ready to be called Grandma!"

How wonderful that God so often ignores us! Because let me tell you, the birth of Reagan Savannah Melby two days before Christmas that year changed my life forever...and I am SO, SO grateful! If I'd waited to be "ready" I'd still be single, childless, and probably living at home with Mommy! We never know what's around the next bend. Chances are we won't feel ready for it. I saw a poster once that said, "Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God." You never know, that thing you think you're not ready for might just end up changing your life forever...like the gorgeous young lady who is now taller than Grandma Becky and, by the looks of things, will probably be strong enough to carry me around in my old age!