Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Walk with Me is Editor's #1 Contemporary Pick for 2008!

A simple little two-line e-mail from our editor last week left me in shock...and praising God while doing a happy feet dance! JoAnne Simmons, Heartsong Presents Editor, simply said, "Just wanted to let you know I mentioned you in my blog post today on http://www.editcafe.blogspot.com/. Thanks for your hard work!" I assumed she had mentioned that Walk with Me, along with four other books, will be released next month. It turned out to be a bit more than that. Take a look at the Edit Cafe' blog entry for August 29 and you'll understand my little dance.

1 comment:

Eileen Astels Watson said...

She has excellent taste!!! This is an awesome story, Becky.

So happy to see you on the web!

Happy Blogging!
